I know this is an XBOX news blog but I have to post this. About a week ago, Sega ran a poll on their website asking gamers "what classic Sega franchise would you like to see return".
When the poll closed, Sega Night's blew away the competition and when I wrote about it I asked if Sega would release a special controller like the one that came with the Saturn when the game was released.
Well a week has passed since this poll and now this surfaces in the Official Nintendo magazine. In the magazine there is a picture of a cluster of stars with the words, “World Exclusive! Step back in time as a classic game makes a long overdue return”.
If this is true, it makes total sence. If you have ever played the original Night's on the Saturn then you would fully understand how this game would fit perfectly on the Wii. Why the Wii? The Wii's controller would fit this game perfectly, infact this game in my opinion could only be done on the Wii. I can only imagine using the Wiimote and Nunchuck with this game.
Go Wii....!