"You know that game popularized by The Howard Stern Show, "Date, Marry or Kill," where you decide which of three women you would date, which you would marry and which you would kill?
Well, the Motley Fool played it with the current game systems, and concluded they would date the 360, marry the Wii and kill the PS3... Our rating is a little different.
We would:
1) Date the Wii. It's got a lot of tricks; it's flashy; it's adorable, but is there enough substance to warrant a lifelong commitment? We think not. The Wii is more of a party girl. Great when you have drunken friends over, but when it's quiet time with just you and the Wii, you feel a little funny, waving your arms around fighting for its attention. It's impossible to have quiet time with the Wii. You feel like a fool trying to hang out with it and drink some Camomile tea on a Sunday afternoon.
2) Marry the 360. It's just solid. A lot of games. A lot of online. Nothing it's ever done has brought us the joy of Wii Sports, but it's like an old pair of socks: Comfy. In the mood for some Joust? No problem. The 360 is there for you, even in nostalgic moods. Plus, it listens to us. Really listens. I think because of the built-in headset.
3) Kill the PS3: I'm sorry, as much as I dig the new PlayStation 3, something has to go. The PlayStation 3 just doesn't seem interested in our needs. As impressed as we are with the thing's raw power, we haven't seen the games to wow us, and we're afraid that dwindling sales in the future will result in fewer titles, which will result in lower sales, etc.
How about you? What's your lineup?"
Source: G4TV.com
Ok now I need to correct G4TV on the name of this game. Since I am a huge Stern fan myself I had to say something, the correct name of the game is F marry kill and I think you know what the F is for.
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