Today was a pretty mild news day but it was pretty heavy on the Halo side of things. I myself have been playing the beta a lot and I can honestly say that Halo 3 is going to be fantastic, the beta alone is so much fun that I could play forever.
From what I can tell so far, Halo 3 multiplayer seems to feel more like Halo 1 where there is more emphasis on rifles and grenades as Halo 2 was about racing to a power weapon and duel wielding. In Halo 3, I feel like I could pick up any weapon or just use the standard AR and you would be ok which gives the game a very balanced feel.
I would like to talk a little about the graphics for a sec here because people are getting out of control by saying Halo 3 looks slightly better than Halo 2. Apparently these people have not played Halo 2 in a while, trust me when I say that it looks like shit now and if you don't believe me just put Halo 2 in your 360 and you will see what I am talking about, it hasn't held up very well. There is this look that Halo has, it has it's own style and it will never change so stop comparing it to Gears of War. Gears would not look as good as it does if there were 16 people on screen in a map the size of Valhalla with the speed and pace of Halo so that comparison just needs to stop.
Ok this is going on longer than I wanted but I want to cover the things that make Halo a superior multiplayer game.
- Great on large open maps.
- Great at close quarter combat.
- Vehicle controls.
- You can go balls out or be quiet and stealthy.
- Great campaign mode with a great story.
All of the other great FPS's out there has never been able to nail all of those in one game. Most of the greats handle close quarter combat but not large open combat area's or vice versa or the vehicle controls might suck or the campaign might be good but the multiplayer might blow (Prey). Halo hit's the mark on all these that no other has touched since Halo 1, so until I see an online multiplayer shooter that has the versatility of Halo than the quest for the Halo killer will go on because there hasn't been one yet.
Why is there all this hype over Killzone 2? if the first one sucked, I can guarantee you that the sequel will too that's the way it works.
Today's stories:
- Bungie weekly update 5/18/07!
- Halo 3 beta impression by!
- Modders find new weapons, vehicles and gametypes in the Halo 3 beta code!
- Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena coming to the XBOX 360 and PS3!
- Ubisoft CEO demands PS3 price cut!
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