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Monday, May 28, 2007

Halo 3 source code reveals detailed armor customization features!

Most people play the Halo 3 beta for fun and to get a little taste of what the final game is going to be.  While others play for fun as well, they also pick it apart trying to find some secrets.

7th Columnist has stumbled upon some source code that appears to reveal some character customization features that are going to let people really go crazy when it comes to making their character special and different.

As we continue the search through the source files of the Halo 3 beta more and more interesting and revealing information keeps popping up.

Today we see new evidence of further customization options of multiplayer characters, beyond that of different models like Spartan or Elite (as in Halo 2) and colour and emblem changes (seen in the beta so far) and instead, the exciting possibility of varying armour types and the ability for users to mix and match.

Cobra, Intruder, Ninja and Regulator seem to be new armour types available for Spartan use in multiplayer, with the standard default Mjolnir selectable of course too. What’s interesting is that seperate armour parts are listed for each of these new types also. Helmet, left and ride shoulders, and body are all listed seperately suggesting players will be able to mix and match parts essentially building their own Spartan. This has been semi-hinted at before and Spartans with different coloured shoulder plates and helmets were spotted in the last Bungie released Vidoc.

It doesn’t end with Spartan models types though as similar listings are included for Elite use. Fewer options than the Chief, Elite players are offered the choice of new Predator or Raptor types, or the standard default.

While we expect the differences to be subtle and purely cosmetic, we can’t begin to express how awesome the possibilities are. Colours and emblems are great and all, but me…? I want some of that Cobra armour now!

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