In a late night press release, Capcom said that Devil May Cry 4 will launch for the PS3, XBOX 360 and PC simutaneously:
"Capcom is committed to making its titles available to as wide an audience as possible, and has been building its technology base to meet that goal,"
"This announcement means that PS3, Xbox 360 and PC owners worldwide will be able to experience the latest installment of one of Capcom's pillar franchises."
That means that DMC has been in development for a while now for the 360 but Capcom has kept it under wraps for sometime now. This has to be a blow to the Sony camp because DMC4 was considered one of Sony's big exclusives.
As of right now the only exclusives Sony has that are considered system sellers is Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII. How much longer until those titles jump ship? We will just have to wait and see.
Here is the entire press release: Click here!
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