Xbox Product Manager at Microsoft Germany made light of the DMC 4 news that broke yesterday. He put up a post title saying "1 down 2 to go" with the 2 to go being Final Fantasy and MGS4.
It is interesting that all of this news about Sony losing DMC4 as an exclusive and that Microsoft said they want FF and MGS4 now instead of at the GDC is a little bizarre, but is it? I think Microsoft is doing this now instead of at the GDC is because they are trying to steal the thunder from the European PS3 launch this Friday.
Now if you were in line to get a PS3 and you looked over and saw the same games on a system that is $200 cheaper plus it has a superior online service, exclusives like Halo 3, Gears of War, Blue Dragon and countless others, can you blame the house that Gates built on moves like this. If and I mean if Final Fantasy and MGS4 go multiplatform then there is absolutely no reason to get a PS3 and I mean none.
So in saying all of this am I crazy? Does the PS3 have something the 360 doesn't that justifies a $600 purchase? Let me know.
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