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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Another day 4/4/07!

Today Epic announced that the new game-type "Annex" that will be included in the next update that will be available on the 9th.  Well, about 4 hours later, that information disappeared from Epic's site, so who knows when it will come out. 

Microsoft confirmed that a demo to Forza 2 is coming out this April but didn't announce a date. 

As far as my personal going's on, I wasn't home more then 10 minutes when my wife went to get our 3 year old up from her nap too find poo all over the place.  That's right folks, the joy of potty training leads to no diaper because every thing is going great, and before you know it bam.......you find your kid rolling in poo.  Shitty, literally, it was a nightmare.  But everything is clean and fresh now and we made her wear a diaper to bed tonight.


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