I have been playing allot of COD 3 lately and that had me thinking. I have heard allot about COD 4 being set in the modern times, but no real information has been released. What we do know is that COD 4 is in production by Infinity Ward and has been since COD3. That is why Treyarch took over the series, so Infinity Ward could get to work on 4.
Earlier today I got an a E-mail with a link to a video, the person who sent it to me claims that it is COD 4. Now this is pure speculation but I have decided to post it because I have never seen this game before not to mention it looks like it is using the COD 3 engine. There are certain parts in the video where you can here the characters heart rate go up, which indicates that it is using the health regeneration system like in 2 and 3. Infact the Heart beat sounds exactly like the previous installments. Now remember, this is pure speculation and if you know what the game is if it isn't COD 4, let me know and I will post the information you gave me.
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