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Friday, April 20, 2007

IGN.com says that the PS3 version of F.E.A.R is graphically "dead in the water" compared to the 360!

F.E.A.R has finally seen the light of day on the PS3 and what would a day be without a comparison between the XBOX 360 version and the PS3 version. When F.E.A.R was released for the XBOX 360, IGN gave it an overall score of 9.1 with the graphics receiving a 9.1 as well.

So, with anticipation I have been waiting to see what the PS3 version was going to score. Afterall, the PS3 is a super computer that cures cancer so it should have no problems keeping up with the XBOX 360 right? wrong. IGN.com gave the PS3 version of F.E.A.R an overall score of 8.1 with the graphics scoring a 5.5.

Aside from IGN saying that the textures are muddy along with numerous glitches, this is what IGN said about the PS3 version compared to the 360 and PC:


And therein lies the rub. As much fun as F.E.A.R. is, it's never going to live up to the expectation cross-platform users have in their heads. Simply put, PS3 can't hold a candle to the visuals found in Microsoft-land -- especially considering the handful of bugs that have dead soldiers getting stuck in walls and twitching on the floor. The detailed environments and clear draw distances aren't found on PS3. If you had never seen the other versions of F.E.A.R., you still wouldn't be impressed with the PS3's graphics, but compared to the PC and 360, this version is graphically dead in the water.

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