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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Infinityward to make a big announcement on 4/28!

On Infinityward's official forum's a member of the team posted that a big announcement is coming on April 28th.  Gee, it wouldn't be Call of Duty 4 would it? naahhh, that would be to easy.  In my opinion it will be Call of Duty 4 that they announce but until then, this is what was posted by fourzerotwo:

<boring update>

Insert boring update about some mundane 'what we're doing' detail that no one actually cares about (such as new employees or kleenex testing) because they're just reading these updates for the glimpse hope that we'll slip and say something we're not suppose to about our next title, or that we're going to allude to the fact that maybe, just maybe something that actually is interesting is coming up in the near future (and by near future I mean next Saturday).

</boring update>

Amazing Things To Happen On April 28th:

1758 - James Monroe, 5th President of the United States is born.

1788 - Maryland becomes the seventh state to ratify the Constitution of the United States.

1932 - A vaccine for yellow fever is announced for use on humans.
(Then nothing really happened for a long time.... but now....)

2007 - What goes down this April 28th is equal to, if not surpasses, the magnitude of any of those.
Whose ready?!

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