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Thursday, February 1, 2007

The boys at Gamepro.com are smoking some sweet sh**!

Gamepro.com did a comparison between the Nintendo Wii, XBOX 360 and the PS3 and they have determined that the PS3 is the clear winner with the Wii in second and the 360 a distant 3rd. OK now what is a complete joke is the number one reason why the PS3 will have a better year is and I quote,

"when you actually look at how many probable stellar exclusive games it has lined up for the year to come, we have to put the PS3 in the number one slot. So many of these games are surefire blockbusters such as MGS4, Killzone 2, SOCOM 4, Gran Tourismo 5, Final Fantasy XIII, Ratchet & Clank...and the list goes on."

OK where do I start, MGS 4 is looking more like an 2008 release not to mention that the rumors are still flying that there could be a 360 release as well, Killzone 2 has no release date and not to mention the first one sucked so why is there so much anticipation for this game?
Socom 4 will probably be another pumped out rehash like the last 3, GT5 has no release date and oh boy another Ratchet and Clank game with another Final Fantasy game.
Hey Gamepro here something you might want to think about, Halo 3, Forza 2, Alan Wake, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Blue dragon, Crackdown, GRAW 2 and Shadowrun.
Now we cant forget the big hitters like XBOX LIVE and all of the content within.

I don't know if Gamepro was paid to say this shi* or if they really mean it because the PS3 in 07 does not look good at all, now don't get me wrong I love Gamepro or I used to if they keep writing crap like that.

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