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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Did Microsoft purchase the rights to Chrono Trigger? (UPDATE #2)

I am getting reports that Microsoft has purchased the rights to Chrono Trigger, the popular Japanese R.P.G and has handed the development duties to Mistwalker studios.  I am still waiting for confirmation on this, if someone can confirm this please let me know.


UPDATE1: Apparently this piece of info was originally posted by xboxic.com but it has since been removed, although when you do a Google search for the story, you can see the original xboxic post.  Now I am curious to why this has not been mentioned at all today, is that  because it is Sunday and no one has noticed, or were they forced to take it down by some men in black suits and sunglasses representing Microsoft? If the story is true when will we here about it? tomorrow? or at the Game developers conference in March? we will soon find out.....IF the story is true.


UPDATE2: The story was a fake and that is why it was pulled.

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