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Friday, February 23, 2007

What Gamepro thinks we will and will not see at the GDC in March!

Right now Gamepro.com is running a list of what you will most likely see and not see at the GDC in March.  This is just a sample piece of what they think you will most likely see.


PREDICTION: Microsoft will unveil the rumored black Xbox 360 with HDMI and a 120 GB hard drive.

Likelihood: 90%
Submitted by: Tenacious Moses

Why it WILL happen: This one's pretty much a no-brainer, if you add up the supposedly leaked shots from a few months back, recent retailer rumors, and Microsoft's past hints at future HDMI support. The clues all point to a new, upgraded Xbox 360 SKU, possibly including the new 65 nanometer CPU die sizes for reduced heat and increased profitability on Microsoft's part.

Still, until GDC comes and goes, this one remains in the unconfirmed category. But we think it's the safest bet of the show.

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