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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Blue Dragon demo confirmed!

In an interview with Gamespot.com at the (GDC), Mistwalker's Hironobu Sakaguchi confirmed that there will be a demo out in June or July.  He also talks about the downloadable content that Mistwalker Studio's is working on for Blue Dragon when it is released here in the states:

"GS: Speaking of downloadable content, do you have plans to release more content after the game comes out in the US?

HK: There are plans, and I can speak to that on behalf of Sakaguchi-san. Over the course of five to six months, postlaunch there will be more downloadable content: a set of three [pieces of] downloadable content, the last of which is going to be a dungeon with a lot of randomized patterns. By randomized patterns, I mean each time you enter into the dungeon, you encounter a different environment, a set of new characters, and monsters. So there are eight-plus patterns that have actually been set for the dungeon. So it is a completely new experience, in addition to this great game that we have.

Also, when you go to the start screen, you see [a new difficulty level] "impossible." This is for the gamers who have completed the game, know the game backward and forward, and have their character's levels above 50 points. A lot of other bosses and new items appear in this impossible mode.

GS: Will we see a playable demo on Xbox Live Marketplace?

HS: [in English] Yeah, we are making a playable demo--maybe for June or July."

Click here for the whole interview! 

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