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Monday, April 30, 2007

Hironobu Sakaguchi doesn't like Ken Kutaragi!

In the latest issue of EGM, Final Fantasy creator and founder of Mistwalker, Hironobu Sakaguchi bitch slaps Ken Kutaragi.  EGM asked him if he has any projects in development for the PS3:

"The machine's architecture is tricky, and I don't like Ken Kutaragi."

I wonder what Ken Kutaragi has done or said for a statement like that to come from a man who created a series of games that probably sold more playstations then any other game? we may never know.

EGM didn't stop with the PS3, Hironobu Sakaguchi was asked about the Wii:

"The system is intriguing, but right now, I have no plans on making a game for the Wii."

Even though Hironobu Sakaguchi's Mistwalker studios is working closely with Microsoft Game studios with Blue Dragon, he still has a few problems with the way Microsoft is handling the Japanese market:

"Microsoft has to change its marketing strategy in Japan. There are a lot of excellent games on the 360, far better games than what's on the Wii or PS3. But not a lot of people in Japan have a clear idea what games like Gears of War are all about. Just look at the Windows Vista commercial -- it's terrible."

To read the whole interview, pick up a copy of the latest EGM!

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