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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Time Crisis 4 accidentally confirmed for the 360?

Oh boy, has another PS3 exclusive gone multiplatform? it's possible, according to a recent IGN mailbag post.

Time Crisis 4

Have you guys heard of any rumors or anything that would involve seeing any information regarding time crisis for the wii?

Sorry, but it doesn't look likely. Time Crisis 4 will be coming exclusively to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 complete with a pretty sweet wireless gun, so say little, dirty birds. However, no Wii version is currently planned.

-- Matt

Now this has yet to be confirmed by Namco Bandai. Also, is this news exclusive to IGN.com but was accidentally released prematurely? if so than I would expect IGN to confirm this pretty soon since the cat is out of the bag.  One more thing that came to my attention is the wireless Guncon controller.  Is Microsoft now allowing 3rd parties to use Microsoft's proprietary wireless technology? if so where is the wireless guitar?

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