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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Another day 5/10/07!

There was a lot of news today but nothing major or ground breaking so I have decided to wrap it up a little early.  Besides, I have a Forza 2 demo to play and a copy of Nighty Nine Night's that I picked up.  Why N3 you say? well I have always wanted to give it a shot but I never did, so I downloaded the demo and I really dug it.  But between you and me, I hear the achievements are easy to get in this game so don't tell anyone.

Today's top stories:

  1. Saints Row for PS3 canceled in favor of a multiplatform sequel! 
  2. The QWERTY text input device is now the "chatpad"? 
  3. PGR 4 video showcasing real time weather effects! 
  4. Condemned 2 announced for the 360 and PS3!
  5. Microsoft unveils Simpson themed XBOX 360! 
  6. Namco Bandai favor Wii and 360 over PS3! 
  7. Forza 2 has gone gold and will drop May 29th! 
  8. Halo 3 hits 4 million pre orders? 
  9. Halo 2 hits 5 million players! 
  10. Crackdown DLC revealed!

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