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Friday, May 25, 2007

Are the Wii's sales based on curiosity or great games?

About 2 months ago I got my hands on that hard to find console with innovative controls that goes for a paltry $250.00.  For about a month I really enjoyed Wii Sports and the whole create your own Mii function that is built in to the console.  After I have made dozen's of Mii's based on my family and friends and played the hell out of Wii Sports I am left with a lingering thought. 

Is the Wii selling well for it's innovative controls or is it more of a curiosity factor because they are hard to find and you really can't play any at a kiosk because Nintendo didn't supply controllers attached to the kiosk which means retailers have simply turned them in to running visual demo unit's.  I have had several retailers tell me that they don't want people stealing the Wii mote so they don't put it out.

I find the Wii fun for the Wii Sports but really nothing else, the lack of any real online functionality is a turn off and the controller really isn't that great for any other game besides Wii Sports.  I'm sorry but I just want to chill and play fun games, I don't feel like playing all of these games hoping my daughter isn't standing next to me because I don't feel like knocking her over.  I just feel like the Wii's popularity is more of an impulse buy and nothing else.  Let's be honest here, the Wii isn't in the same league as the XBOX 360, period.  I am not going to go in to detail but if you try to compare the 2 in what is offered and it's not even close whether it's the graphic's the video marketplace to the quality of games with XBOX LIVE, it's no match.

Now I gave the Wii a legitimate shot because I am a Nintendo fan but right now I'm just not feeling it.  Maybe there will be a game that blows me away and I have a felling that game might be Mario Galaxy because I am a huge Mario fan and that game looks stunning.  At this time I just don't think the Wii has the ability to keep it's sales up in the long run, I do see the Wii finishing this console war in second place with the PS3 a DISTANT third.

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