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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Jack Thompson has the Masterchief in his sights!

Just when you thought Jack Thompson might lay low for a while since he has been looking like a real ass hole as of late, even more so than normal.  Earlier today Jack sent a letter to Bill Gates with the following threat:

Here’s the deal, Mr. Gates: Either Microsoft undertakes dramatic, real steps, through its marketing, wholesale, and retail operations to assure that Halo 3 is not sold, via the Internet and in stores, directly to anyone under 17, or I shall proceed to make sure that Microsoft is held to that standard by appropriate legal means. I have done that before successfully as to Best Buy, and I shall do so again as to Microsoft and all retailers of Halo 3.

Jack ass Thompson is attacking the wrong people here, it's not Microsoft's job to police the stores by making sure that an M rated game doesn't make it in to the hands of kids, it's the store's job for Christ sake.  So why doesn't he attack Gamestop and Best Buy? that's my question.  I would also like to know how many kids get in to a rated R movie? would you attack the theaters or the movie industry? you would crack down on the theaters of course and the same applies here.

I wonder if Jack realizes that he is threatening a man worth 50 billion dollars who will wipe his ass with whatever Jack throws at him or stick him with a plasma grenade.

You can read the entire letter by clicking here!

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