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Sunday, March 4, 2007

What does your Gamertag say about you?

Gamesradar.com did a great article about the psychological connection between you and your gamertag.  Can someone really tell what kind of person you are by your Gamertag?

With the help of Dr. Frederiksen, Gamesradar gathered a list of Gamertags and broke it down to 6 categories.

Violence, sexual, animal, pop culture, ALL CAPS and leet speak. Dr. Frederiksen takes a look at the selected gamertags and gives his opinion on what they say about the person.


  • Category: Violence

Examples: Ikilya, Blood 4 Blood, Nightprowler888, Sniper5982, Psychopathic, DeathxDealer13, Knives2, Reaperman, KiLLeR918, Hitman4Hire 88

Dr. Frederiksen: "Saturated with aggression and deviance, this category is often the most troubling to outside observers. While they can be the choice of some truly troubled people, in most cases it is likely to be a relatively harmless way to fit in with the game culture that puts a premium on bravado. In reality... probably more conformity than meets the eye."


  • Category: Sexual

Examples: Lalopornstar, southsidepimp24, Wild Cat 69, LORDFOUL69, KareBare07, BUSTED NUT99, StripClubDj, Buff My Pickle, GoopySplooge

Dr. Frederiksen: "This category might be generally thought of as 'aspirational.' This is who I wish I were. Designed to titillate, tease or boast, there is often a big fantasy component. Freed from the constraints of the real world, you can assume a sexual identity more to your liking."


  • Category: Animal

Examples: Cute Bunny Ears, Stallion83, Donkey Punch 06, ButterflyFlame, Wombat Wrangler, WizenedPigeon, Moose Matt, blackpython89, Lobstah 1125, FishSwish, NamelessMonkey, Red Wolf66, Depressedsnail

Dr. Frederiksen: "Most animal themed tags are probably not driven by a love for a particular animal species (ok, ok... with the exception of cat lovers). More likely, they rely on the stereotypic characteristics of animals. A fox is crafty, elephants don't forget and monkeys... well, you get the picture. Because of this added layer of abstraction, these tags tend to be some of the more creative and use some of the best humor."


  • Category: Pop Culture

Examples: IrateCartman, DTenacious, StJimmy521, GHOSTGUNDAM, Frostythebatman, Scareface neilo, Yoda 40111, Kornholio33, S1LENT H1LL, Zelda64

Dr. Frederiksen: "Conformity is a common theme in many pop references. The gamer is expressing his or herself by identifying with a pop icon. Oddly enough, even the reference to characters that symbolize non-conformity or rebellion can be a type of conformity itself."


  • Category: ALL CAPS


Dr. Frederiksen: "Assuming the cap lock on your keyboard isn't broken and you know how to use it, these tags can signal a need to draw attention to yourself. HEY, LOOK AT ME! Sometimes hiding an underlying insecurity or need for attention and recognition is common in tags from other categories as well."


  • Category: Leetspeak (13375p34k)

Examples: l31ade, b0ngzi11a, D34dly N1nj4, H34DRU5H, XxSWEETN3SSxX, KLZ g3rMzZ, Wh1TeSn4Ke, R1Pt3h5Y5T3m, xREL3NTL3SSx.

 Frederiksen: "Exclusion is the foundation of this category. We know something you don't. By setting yourself apart as a member of an exclusive group that has specialized knowledge you can feel different and special. It is sort of the gamer's equivalent of the 'secret handshake.'"


And once again, if you want to read the whole article click here!

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