Epic Games co founder Tim Sweeney was interviewed by Shawn Elliot for this weeks 1UP.com pod cast. Tim told Shawn that Epic has built four new multiplayer maps for Gears of War and that Epic want's to give them away but Microsoft wont let them:
We already released two (maps) and we have four more maps that we've built. We've been wanting to give them but actually Microsoft has been pushing back on us. They're trying to build this business model around selling additonal content for games and that's a valid idea, but we would definitely like to release more stuff for free, and we haven't been able to do so yet.
In my opinion, now that this story has leaked, Microsoft will now probably let Epic release these maps for free because news like this gives Microsoft a bad name. I also believe that Tim Sweeney is going to be in some hot water over this because stuff like this needs too stay internal. Once news like this leaks, all negotiations go right out the window and it turns into a PR nightmare that Microsoft has to take care of and could hurt future business between Microsoft and Epic Games.
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